The Wanderer's Guide to Cosmic Fabulosity

Curiosity is a Superpower

DW Long Episode 20
In this episode of The Wanderer's Guide to Cosmic Fabulosity, DW explores how curiosity is an inherent superpower. We bring a little observation of the evidence base, plenty of hard formed opinions and a playful look at how curiosity has kept us alive and how it should be a trait that is nurtured and acknowledged.

Come along for another playful wander through a topic that is all about building our capacity to thrive!

For more information about DW, check out his website at
TikTok: @gabberflasted
Instagram: @dwlongofficial

Patreon: DW Long

For more information about DW, check out his website at
TikTok: @gabberflasted
Instagram: @dwlongofficial